Response to COVID-19: Essential Hemp Businesses

Due to COVID-19 there have been numerous calls for "shelter in place" for our cities across the state of Texas. It is imperative that we continue to support our hemp businesses during this time of uncertainty.

There has been an action request to obtain a critical infrastructure designation by local governments to include entities such as Hemp and CBD stores as essential businesses. We urge you to contact your local City Council, Mayor, and County Judges to request this designation to ensure protection of our small hemp businesses.

Below is a framework argument of request to you local government:

Hemp products like hemp grain, hemp seed oil, proteins, food, beverages, salves, and hemp oil tinctures can be purchased at grocery stores, convenience stores, and pharmacies that are designated critical infrastructure. Shutting down hemp and CBD stores will not reduce the need for the critical products many customers have grown to rely on to aid a multitude of different, human and animal, related health issues (epilepsy, MS, Parkinson, arthritis, pain, anxiety, sleep). Shutting down these businesses will increase the risk of greater infection for those that will be going to the high traffic grocery stores. Our small business know our customers and can quickly, effectively, and safely provide customers with beneficial products. We ask that our businesses be treated like any other critically designated grocery stores, convenience stores, or pharmacy. Hemp products are not considered adulterants and should remain allowed to sale for human and animal consumption like all other critical agricultural commodities.

Our hemp businesses are driven by a passion for our customers and we ask that you join us in caring for our community during this crisis.

The Texas Hemp Coalition’s goal is to provide industry specific information to growers, processors and entities that will be involved in the Texas Hemp Industry. We will serve as an advocacy, educational and networking liaison to reputable entities within the hemp industry.

For more information on the Texas Hemp Coalition visit


TxHC and The Bingham Group


TxHC & The Agvocates Podcast